Managing Outgoing Voice Mail Messages


This article provides the instructions for checking, managing, recording, and sending outgoing voice mail.


Your Avaya phone allows you to record and send outgoing messages to individuals or voice mailing lists.  Log into your voice mail, and then follow the appropriate set of instructions below:

Checking/Managing Outgoing Voice Messages:

  1. Press to receive status of messages.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. Press 0 to listen to message.  Note - only available if message has not already been delivered.
    2. Press 1 to change/resend message.  Note - only available if message has not already been delivered.
    3. Press *3  to delete message.
    4. Press # to skip to next message.
    5. Press *7 to return to main menu.

Recording Outgoing Voice Messages:

  1. Press 1 to record a message.
  2. Verbally record the outgoing message.
  3. Press 1 to stop/pause.
  4. Do one of the following: press 2 and then 3 to play back, 1 to continue to record from where you left off or *3 to delete and re-record.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until satisfied with recording.
  6. When finished, press * # to approve.

Addressing/Sending Outgoing Voice Messages

  1. Do one of the following to address message:
    1. Enter extension of recipient and press #.
    2. Enter mailing list id and press #.
    3. Press *2 to address by name by typing in the last name of the recipient using the number keys on your phone, listening and selecting the correct name, then pressing #.
    4. Press *3 to delete if an incorrect recipient is added.
  2. Repeat these steps until all addressees have been entered, then press * * to send now or * # to schedule/see other options.



Article ID: 156391
Fri 1/12/24 10:46 AM
Thu 8/1/24 8:50 AM