Logging Into The Pantheon Dashboard

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Pantheon will be replacing Hosting.com for the saintpeters.edu website. You can now access the Pantheon Dashboard from your SPU Google/Gmail account using the following steps:

Log into Google Apps dashboard by going to https://www.saintpeters.edu/myapps.

Note: You can alternately access Pantheon from the waffle menu in your Saint Peter's Google account.

If you are prompted to do so, sign in with your SPU email account.

If you are already signed in, you will be brought to your dashboard, where you should click on the Pantheon icon.
You will be automatically logged on and redirected to the Pantheon homepage site.
Once at the Pantheon homepage, click on the Organizations tab and then click on Saint Peter's University.
This will bring you to the Pantheon Dashboard.

If you experience any difficulty accessing Saint Peter’s Intranet, contact IT Client services at 201-761-7800 or via email at servicedesk@saintpeters.edu.

For issues related to content on Saint Peter’s Intranet, please email web support at web@saintpeters.edu.

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Article ID: 128640
Wed 2/24/21 2:00 PM
Wed 4/24/24 2:43 PM