Event Manager is where Saint Peter's faculty and staff can creat, edit, and manage reservations for on-campus event spaces, and make requests for accompanying services from IT, Campus Safety, Maintenance, Dining Services, or other supporting departments. This article explains how to submit, view, and modify events in Event Manager.
Table Of Contents
Log In
Event Manager is available from the University website or your Apps Dashboard. You can view the public University event calendar without logging in, but won't be able to submit or edit reservations. To log into Event Manager, look for the SIGN IN link at the top right corner of your screen. |
Once logged into Event Manager, the MY PROFILE link will replace the SIGN IN link. |
Creating Events
Editing And Viewing Events
You can review events you've submitted from the Events link in the left navigation bar. |
You can select any single event or series in order to make changes if needed. |
Once an event is approved, you'll see it on the Event Calendar if it's a public event. You find it by clicking the CALENDAR link at the top of the page. |