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    If you are an instructor and wish to use Zoom for your course, we have added an integration that allows you to set up/schedule Zoom Meetings for your course within your Blackboard shell. This article demonstrates how to add this link to your Blackboard course.
    Blackboard courses are exported from Colleague approximately 4 weeks prior to the start of the term, however, this is subject to change, and is typically determined and scheduled several months before the projected start of an upcoming term. This article reflects the current export schedule.
    There are occasionally situations in which a course section on Colleague is "cancelled" for the purpose of modifying the course's name or ID. In these situations, extra steps need to be taken to ensure that the corresponding Blackboard shell is modified (instead of a new Blackboard shell being created), and that the enrollment data is re-mapped so it will flow to this existing Blackboard shell. This article explains the steps that need to be taken to ensure that this occurs properly.