How Do I Check My Grade On Blackboard?

The results of tests conducted through Blackboard are accessible to students, as long as this has been enabled by the course's instructor. This article shows a demonstration of how to view results of a graded exam/test/quiz on Blackboard, and the steps to take to access this information. 

Watch the below video to view how to locate the results of your tests on Blackboard. 

Please note that the results you see are contingent on what your professor has allowed - some classes and tests have been set up so that students will not see their full results. If you have followed this process and do not see the results you are expecting, contact your professor.


We recommend using a laptop/desktop to complete tests and view your test results, as the Blackboard Mobile app may provided only limited test result information. 

We recommend that you play the video in full-screen if possible - to enable full screen, click the "full screen" icon at the lower right corner of the video. Closed Captioning is available by clicking the CC button the bottom of the video - this is currently auto-generated, but more comprehensive subtitles will be published shortly. 

If you have any additional questions on Blackboard, complete the LMS Consultation form, and we will be happy to provide assistance.