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    Google Drive is a place where you can store, retrieve, organize, and share files. It’s in the cloud, so it can be accessed anywhere and anytime, from any computer or mobile device, by using your Saint Peter’s email address and password to log in. This training will cover the basics of Drive - how to access it, how to upload files, how to download files, how to create folders and organize files, and how to share files with others.
    This will walk a user through how to install Google Drive for Desktop on a desktop or laptop running either Windows or MacOS.
    This article will walk you through how to manage members of a google share drive.
    This article explains how to scan a document from the Toshiba MFPs around campus, and different methods for storing them after they've been scanned.
    There are two different ways to access drives that have been shared with you on Google: on the web or on your WIndows or Mac computer. This step-by-step article documents both methods.