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On May 18, 2024, Blackboard will be updated from Learn Original to Ultra Base Navigation. Courses themselves will remain the same with a color scheme change. The update significantly changes navigational components between courses and provides new consolidated areas for viewing and managing courses and grades, as well as an activity feed that provides updates. 

This article showcases what will change and what will remain the same, and demonstrates several basic functions and actions.
For online classes, it is recommended that Faculty utilize virtual "office hours" during which students are encouraged to reach out and ask questions about their course or assignments. This article demonstrates several methods and tools that can be used for faculty to conduct office hours virtually, in addition to best practices.
Blackboard's discussion forums can be used for asynchronous discussion and assessment. In addition to this, the Discussion Forum can also be a good asynchronous place for interactive FAQ's, and for students to collaborate and share articles, resources in a centralized location allowing the instructor to participate and assist as needed. This article demonstrates for Instructors how to create a Discussion Forum for these purposes - as a both a 'Student Lounge" and "Ask your Instructor" forum.
Blackboard's Discussion Boards are widely used in courses as part of assessment and assignments. This step-by-step article explains how participants in Blackboard courses with Discussion Boards can locate postings they have made in that course.
Rubrics are a grid-based evaluation system that allows for more accurate assessment of pre-defined categories, associated with one or multiple point values. Many faculty use Rubrics in some form or another when assessing. This article shows how this valuable tool can be digitized and applied in the Learning management system to assignments.
The Discussion Board allows for asynchronous discussion and collaboration to take place within a Blackboard course. A Discussion Board can be used for Student Lounges, FAQs, as well as graded assignment, assessment and project submissions. This article explains the components of a Discussion Board and demonstrates how to set up forums and grade submissions.