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There are several different types of classroom setups at Saint Peter's University. This article contains videos that identify features of each classroom type, as well as demonstrate how to use the control panels in each classroom type to project/display your class materials to your students.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
Blackboard Ally is a powerful tool that allows files in a Blackboard course to be downloaded as alternate formats, allowing greater accessibility for students. Ally has developed a stand-alone website which allows individuals to perform this task outside of a course. Anyone at Saint Peter's University can use this tool. This article demonstrates the steps to generate alternative file formats using the Ally File Transformer Website.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
While there are several different types of classrooms at Saint Peter's University, Degnan Conference (located in Saint Peter's Hall) and Pope Lecture Hall (PLH) uses different controls for presentation purposes with the available technology. This article demonstrates how to use the control panel to project/display presentation materials to your students.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
There are two different options that can be used to set up a classroom display: Mirroring and Extending. This article defines what these are, and provides steps on how to check and set this for a classroom. The article includes both a demonstration video and step-by-step instructions.