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- Knowledge Base
- Communication and Collaboration
This article defines "phishing" and highlights consequences and what steps can be taken if phishing is suspected, as well as best practices to identify and avoid phishing attempts. This article also shares examples of phishing emails and highlights their qualities. Finally, this article contains best practices and techniques for safe online holiday shopping.
- Knowledge Base
- Policies and Standards
Saint Peter’s University provides an email account to students and employees to conduct official university business. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of this medium.
- Knowledge Base
- End-Point Computing
This article will walk you through the process of resetting your password using the various options available.
- Knowledge Base
- Communication and Collaboration
This article describes how to identify and report an email as "phishing" in Gmail.
- Knowledge Base
- Communication and Collaboration
Several applications used by Saint Peter's University require you to be signed in using your Saint Peter's University Google Account (SPU Account), including Peacock Mail (your Email); Blackboard, and Handshake. This article will show how to log in to your Google Account, and what to do if you experience issues with accessing.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
Over Memorial Day weekend 2019, Blackboard is being upgraded, and the method by which login occurs is being changed. This article presents the new methods for logging into Blackboard.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative and Business
This article demonstrates how to set up a Group Email List in Gmail