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On May 18, 2024, Blackboard will be updated from Learn Original to Ultra Base Navigation. Courses themselves will remain the same with a color scheme change. The update significantly changes navigational components between courses and provides new consolidated areas for viewing and managing courses and grades, as well as an activity feed that provides updates. 

This article showcases what will change and what will remain the same, and demonstrates several basic functions and actions.
Blackboard's SafeAssign Plagiarism checker can be used to check for Plagiarism on student's assignment submissions, if enabled, and the student completes these submissions through the LMS. In cases where Plagiarism is suspected, and the SafeAssign service is not enabled in an assignment, or the student fails to use the LMS to submit a digital copy, the Instructing Faculty may use the DirectSubmit service to check the file for possible plagiarism.
Blackboard courses make frequent use of Assignments, which require students to submit files or text to their instructor for grading. This article identifies the elements of Assignments, steps students will need to take to submit assignments, and troubleshooting information relating to Blackboard Assignment submissions.
On June 1, 2023, Blackboard issued a release (v3900.67.0) which contains an update to the look and feel of the area within an Assignment Submission on Blackboard for students. This article explores the new layout of this functionality.
Google Assignments is a tool that allows Instructors to create, maintain and manage assignments in Google, and make them available to students via Blackboard. This article demonstrates how to add Google Assignments to your Blackboard course, and identifies resources for using this tool.
Using Blackboard Tests, faculty can assess students by creating quizzes, exams or tests that can utilize a variety of question types, include a timer, allow visibility control options, allow additional per-student accommodations to be made, and provide students with feedback and results in a manner that is controlled by the faculty member. This modular tutorial will cover the steps for setting up, deploying and grading a Test on Blackboard.
The Discussion Board allows for asynchronous discussion and collaboration to take place within a Blackboard course. A Discussion Board can be used for Student Lounges, FAQs, as well as graded assignment, assessment and project submissions. This article explains the components of a Discussion Board and demonstrates how to set up forums and grade submissions.